13 Years of Simplifying Everyday Lives: How OneAssist Puts Customers First in the Insurtech Industry

13 Years of Simplifying Everyday Lives: How OneAssist Puts Customers First in the Insurtech Industry


  • OneAssist was established in 2011.
  • The company’s mission is to simplify everyday life for customers by providing comprehensive assistance services.
  • OneAssist offers protection plans for electronic gadgets, wallets, and household appliances.
  • Specialized services include credit card fraud protection and roadside assistance.
  • Services are accessible through a user-friendly mobile app.
  • OneAssist has built a reputation for reliability and efficiency.
  • The team works around the clock to ensure help is available whenever needed.
  • OneAssist continuously seeks customer feedback to improve and expand services.
  • The company is exploring artificial intelligence and machine learning to enhance service offerings.
  • OneAssist plans to expand its service portfolio and geographic reach.
  • The company aims to remain a leader in the insurtech industry by staying true to its customer-first mission.
  • Gagan Maini, Co-founder and CEO, emphasizes the company’s mission and responsibility to customers.
  • Maini expresses excitement about the future and commitment to the company’s founding principles.

In a world where technology continuously evolves, making lives easier yet more complex, OneAssist has spent the last 13 years at the forefront of the insurtech industry, ensuring that customers remain the priority. The company’s journey reflects a commitment to simplifying everyday challenges through innovative solutions tailored to meet modern demands.

13 Years of Simplifying Everyday Lives: How OneAssist Puts Customers First in the Insurtech Industry

Founded on the Promise of Convenience

Established in 2011, OneAssist emerged with a clear vision: to provide comprehensive assistance services that alleviate the stress associated with everyday mishaps. Whether it’s a lost wallet, a damaged smartphone, or a home emergency, OneAssist has crafted solutions that offer peace of mind to its customers.

“At OneAssist, our mission is to simplify life for our customers,” says Gagan Maini, Co-founder and CEO. “We focus on creating services that not only address their immediate needs but also provide long-term convenience and security.”

Customer-Centric Innovations

OneAssist’s success can be attributed to its relentless focus on customer needs. The company has introduced a range of products designed to cover a variety of scenarios. These include protection plans for electronic gadgets, wallets, and household appliances, alongside specialized services like credit card fraud protection and roadside assistance.

The hallmark of OneAssist’s offerings is their seamless integration with daily life. Customers can easily access services through a user-friendly mobile app, which allows them to report issues, track claims, and receive real-time assistance. This digital-first approach has made it easier for people to manage crises without added stress.

Building Trust Through Reliability

Trust is a cornerstone of OneAssist’s relationship with its customers. Over the years, the company has built a reputation for reliability and efficiency. OneAssist’s team works around the clock to ensure that help is available whenever and wherever it’s needed.

“Our customers trust us to be there when they need us the most,” Maini emphasizes. “We take this responsibility very seriously and strive to deliver on our promises consistently.”

A Culture of Continuous Improvement

OneAssist is not content with resting on its laurels. The company continuously seeks feedback from its customers to improve and expand its services. This culture of continuous improvement ensures that OneAssist remains relevant in an ever-changing market.

Recently, OneAssist has started exploring the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning to further enhance its service offerings. These technologies promise to make their processes even more efficient, enabling quicker response times and more personalized solutions.

Looking Ahead

As OneAssist celebrates its 13th anniversary, the company looks to the future with optimism. There are plans to expand its service portfolio and reach more customers across different geographies. By staying true to its mission of putting customers first, OneAssist aims to remain a leader in the insurtech industry for many years to come.

In an era where customer service can often feel impersonal, OneAssist stands out by offering a human touch, combined with cutting-edge technology, to ensure that life’s inevitable hiccups are handled with care and efficiency.

“Our journey has just begun,” says Maini. “We are excited about the future and committed to continuing our mission of making life simpler and more secure for our customers.”

OneAssist’s 13-year journey is a testament to the power of prioritizing customer needs and leveraging technology to deliver innovative, reliable solutions. As the company moves forward, it remains dedicated to its founding principle: putting customers first, always.