Website launch of Dr. Baldev Batra, “A journey from human being to being humane”

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I am thrilled to announce the launch of my website, which will provide a platform for individuals to connect with me and work together to create a positive impact in the world. As a highly qualified and experienced professional in the field of Healthcare Administration, mountain medicine and emergency response, I aim to leverage my skills for a greater impact.

Also Awarded with the 9 national Awards and 1 international World Record.

My passion for improving healthcare and making the world a better place started from my humble beginnings in Delhi, India. Born into a middle-class family, I had a strong desire to pursue a career in healthcare management from an early age. I also attended the Graduate Summer School Programme in Business Planning offered by the prestigious Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIM-A). In addition, I am trained in mountain medicine and have expedited many peaks and treks in India. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I served as the Nodal Officer of four COVID care centres in Delhi, showcasing my leadership and operational capabilities. My achievements and expertise in healthcare have earned me recognition from national leaders as well as global institutions.

My website, made by our digital solutions partners at goseen is aimed at making it easier for people to reach out to me.

My website is a quirky hub where we can connect and collaborate to make the world a little less gloomy. So come on down and let’s see how we can put our skills to use – maybe we can even plan a mountain adventure or two along the way!


Last Updated on Monday, April 24, 2023 11:25 am by Startupupdates

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