Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Explore the top 10 social impact startups in India that are driving positive change with innovative solutions to address pressing social issues. Discover how these pioneering companies are leveraging technology, community engagement, and sustainable practices to tackle challenges in education, healthcare, environment, and livelihood. Learn about their impact on improving lives, promoting sustainability, and fostering inclusive growth across India.

Social impact startups in India are making significant strides in addressing various social issues, from education and healthcare to environmental sustainability and economic empowerment. These startups leverage innovative solutions to create positive change in society. Here, we highlight the top 10 social impact startups in India, detailing their mission, key features, and other essential information.

1. SELCO India

SELCO India focuses on providing sustainable energy solutions to underserved communities. The company designs, develops, and deploys solar energy products to improve the quality of life and livelihoods in rural and urban areas.

MissionTo improve the quality of life through sustainable energy solutions
ServicesSolar energy products and solutions
Key FeaturesCustom-designed solar solutions, focus on underserved communities
WebsiteSELCO India
Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

2. Agastya International Foundation

Agastya International Foundation is a transformative educational organization aiming to spark creativity and critical thinking among rural children and teachers through hands-on science education.

MissionTo transform education through creativity and critical thinking
ServicesScience education programs
Key FeaturesHands-on learning, mobile science labs
WebsiteAgastya International Foundation
Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

3. Pollinate Group

Pollinate Group empowers women entrepreneurs in underserved communities to distribute affordable solar lights, clean cookstoves, and sanitary products, improving health, saving time, and reducing poverty.

MissionTo empower women entrepreneurs and improve living standards
ServicesSolar lights, clean cookstoves, sanitary products
Key FeaturesWomen empowerment, sustainable products
WebsitePollinate Group
Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

4. Goonj

Goonj is a non-profit organization focusing on using urban waste as a tool to address basic needs and strengthen rural infrastructure. The organization channels urban resources to rural areas to improve living conditions.

MissionTo address basic needs and strengthen rural infrastructure through urban waste
HeadquartersNew Delhi
ServicesResource mobilization, rural development
Key FeaturesUrban-rural resource channeling, community-driven initiatives
Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

5. Saahas Zero Waste

Saahas Zero Waste is dedicated to providing end-to-end waste management solutions. The company works with communities and businesses to ensure waste is managed sustainably and effectively.

MissionTo provide sustainable waste management solutions
ServicesWaste management solutions
Key FeaturesEnd-to-end waste management, focus on sustainability
WebsiteSaahas Zero Waste
Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

6. Haqdarshak

Haqdarshak helps citizens access government welfare schemes and services. The platform provides information on various schemes and assists in the application process, ensuring that benefits reach the intended recipients.

MissionTo enable access to government welfare schemes
ServicesWelfare scheme information, application assistance
Key FeaturesSimplified access to government schemes, digital platform
Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

7. LabourNet

LabourNet is committed to improving livelihoods through skill development and employment opportunities. The company provides vocational training and connects skilled workers with job opportunities.

MissionTo enhance livelihoods through skill development
ServicesVocational training, employment services
Key FeaturesSkill development programs, job placement services
Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

8. Barefoot College

Barefoot College trains rural women to become solar engineers, teachers, and healthcare workers, empowering them to contribute to their communities’ development and sustainability.

MissionTo empower rural women and promote sustainable development
HeadquartersTilonia, Rajasthan
ServicesTraining in solar engineering, education, healthcare
Key FeaturesWomen empowerment, sustainable community development
WebsiteBarefoot College
Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

9. Rang De

Rang De is a peer-to-peer lending platform that connects rural entrepreneurs with urban funders, providing affordable microloans to drive economic empowerment and reduce poverty.

MissionTo drive economic empowerment through affordable microloans
Key FeaturesPeer-to-peer lending, focus on rural entrepreneurs
WebsiteRang De
Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

10. eKutir

eKutir leverages technology to provide smallholder farmers with access to agricultural inputs, information, and markets, enhancing their productivity and incomes.

MissionTo enhance productivity and incomes of smallholder farmers
ServicesAgricultural inputs, information, market access
Key FeaturesTechnology-driven solutions, focus on smallholder farmers
Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

FAQs about Top 10 Social Impact Startups in India

Q: What is a social impact startup?
A: A social impact startup is a business that aims to solve social, environmental, or economic problems through innovative solutions, focusing on creating positive change in society.

Q: How do social impact startups differ from traditional businesses?
A: Unlike traditional businesses that primarily focus on profit, social impact startups prioritize social, environmental, and economic goals alongside financial sustainability.

Q: What challenges do social impact startups face in India?
A: Challenges include limited access to funding, regulatory hurdles, scaling impact while maintaining quality, and creating awareness about their solutions.

Q: How can I support social impact startups?
A: You can support social impact startups by using their services, investing in them, spreading awareness, and volunteering your time or expertise.

Q: What role do social impact startups play in sustainable development?
A: Social impact startups contribute to sustainable development by addressing pressing issues such as poverty, education, healthcare, and environmental sustainability, aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


The social impact landscape in India is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by a wave of innovative startups dedicated to addressing critical social challenges. These top 10 social impact startups are at the forefront of this change, offering advanced solutions that improve lives and promote sustainability. Their commitment to leveraging technology, community engagement, and sustainable practices is fostering inclusive growth and creating positive change. As these startups continue to grow and innovate, they are set to play a crucial role in shaping the future of social impact in India, making it more effective, inclusive, and transformative.